Graham Hatherley logo
Big Beasts - Super Natural - Animal - The Secret Life of the Zoo
Night on Earth - The Hunt - Animal
Wild Great Britain - The Secret Life of Rock Pools - Butterflies

Photos and Links

Nature Picture Library

Some of my still photos can be viewed or purchased at the Nature Picture Library (formerly the BBC Nature Picture Library). Just do a search under my name.

Nature Picture Library

Timo Baker – Composer

Timo Baker is a highly creative and versatile composer. Over the last 15 years he has written scores for an array of tv documentaries that have been broadcast across the globe, had several tracks licensed by the CSI: NY series, written music for Hollywood film trailers and composed music for a plethora of world class companies including Universal, CBS, BBC, National Geographic, MTV, Coca Cola, Sony, Nokia, and Dolby.

Timo Baker – Composer

Cholderton Estate

Choldeton Estate comprises 2,500 acres of downland and farmland South of Salisbury Plain. It is a model of best practice for farmers and conservation organisations, a profitable farm holding breeding stone curlews, barn owls, lapwing (RSPB Southern lapwing Champion for several years), grey partridge, loads of hares, corn buntings, 34 species of butterfly and much more besides. I have probably filmed wildlife on 50 or more farms up and down the country and I'm sure there is nowhere finer than Cholderton.

Cholderton Estate
Tel: +44 (0)1747 811320 or 07775 783156
© Graham Hatherley